Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation Awards Lifesaving Equipment Grant to The City of Clinton Fire Department
Grant is part of more than $71 million given by Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation to public safety organizations across the U.S. Clinton, TN – The City of Clinton Fire Department members are now better equipped to handle emergencies and keep the local community of Clinton safe thanks to a grant from Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation. The Foundation recognized our critical need and awarded us $17,485.00 to purchase stabilization cribbing. “We are extremely grateful to Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation and our local Firehouse Subs in Clinton for providing us with this grant and positively impacting our community,” said Fire Chief Jeff Little. “We are so grateful to be given the tools needed to continue to keep the citizens of Clinton safe and protected.” The stabilization cribbing will be used to stabilize vehicles that have been involved in crashes, or to stabilize a damaged structure while emergency operations are taking place. Our firefighters are all trained in emergency vehicle extrication, utilizing tools such as the “Jaws of Life”, and this cribbing will allow them to safely conduct those operation. For the past 16 years, donations have been the driving force behind Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation® supporting first responders and public safety organizations nationwide. To learn more about Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation or donate directly, visit FirehouseSubsFoundation.org

To report a life-threatening emergency dial 911
For non-emergency fire assistance call (865) 457-2131
For Burn Permits call (865) 457-2131
Fire Headquarters - 125 W. Broad St - Clinton, TN 37716
Fire Station 1 - 100 Longmire Road
Fire Station 2 - 264 Hiway Drive